Demanding work schedules and traffic congestion conspire to make cruising meet-ups tough for this area. On the other hand, there's great cruising roads out there.
Maybe the key is planning way ahead. It would be great to have a calendar on this site populated with a menu of scheduled cruises, cars & coffee, poker runs, and cars & cigars, two or three months in advance With the prime cruising weather coming up in the fall, the calendar idea might jump start some cruising interest.
Three cruises we've done in the recent past that might be worthy for consideration for the fall include:
- Lunch cruise to Warrenton
- Snickersville Turnpike cruise and lunch at Monk's Barbecue in Purcellville
- Octoberfest lunch cruise to the Bavarian Inn, Shepherdstown, WV
Another one I've been eyeballing (but haven't done yet) is route 7 west, south on River Rd (along the Shenandoah River) to HWY 50 east, then lunch in Middleburg.