Need input on a cobra meet in Kent Narrows

Rob Burton

Contributing Member
Phil, Mike and I, along with the wives, are thinking about doing a Fun Run weekend in Kent Narrows, MD. Our idea is to do a weekend event where folks could arrive on Friday as their schedules allowed. Have dinner at a local pub that has great food, live music, and adult beverages, then go back to the host hotel for a parking lot party. Saturday would be a cruise, lunch, then cruise back. Saturday night would be dinner somewhere else and, of course, another parking lot party, then Sunday head home.

Having it in Kent Narrows allows everyone the option of staying each night or going back home if you choose. It also allows us to explore some fun roads in that area along The Chesapeake.

We need input on two things:

1. Does this interest you and would you plan to attend?
2. Does the weekend of May 16-18 or October 3-5 work better for you?

I realize that we will not have a 100% consensus on the date, but just curious which is preferred.

Thanks in advance for your input. It is our hope that we get a HUGE turnout for this event.
Rob, I would be in also. You need to find away to contact people that are not on the website. I will talk it to those that I can.

I sold my cobra last December, but I would like to join anyway. May works, if it doesn't rain. October would be a good back up.
Sandy and I are up for either weekend. We like the idea that May could be primary with October as a fall back if weather turns South.

Additionally, Sandy’s nephews run an auto parts place in Stevensville (Lee C Parts) and they’d love to have us swing by.